Product Certification Procedure

Pre-market approval and certification is a legal requirement for manufacturers of many types of products, components, and accessories seeking access to major markets worldwide. In addition, to meet mandatory certification requirements, manufacturers choose to have their products tested for compliance with the technical requirements of voluntary standards. By submitting their products for additional voluntary testing and certification, companies can differentiate their products from those of competitors, and further demonstrate their commitment to providing buyers and consumers with quality products that are also safe to use.

Certification assures suppliers, retailers, regulators, and consumers that an independent organization has reviewed a product’s manufacturing process and determined that the product complies with specific standards for safety, quality, sustainability, or performance.

Application Form Requirements

  1. Basic requirements, such as:
  • Products manufactured
  • Product specifications as per the standard
  • Process of products manufactured
  • Quality compliances
  • Packing requirements (if applicable)
  • Labeling requirements
  • Product manual
  • Raw materials and their controls
  • Design control (if applicable)
  • Hygienic concerns (if applicable)
  • Good Manufacturing Practices
  1. Legal requirements such as:
  • Company registration
  • Product/service-related compliances in the country rendered.

After the application is received from the organization, our technical team will analyze the data to customize a plan for the product review with the requirements stated in the standard.

Product File/Specification Review

Our techno-commercial team will guide you on the process of certification and will help in finding the right standards applicable to your organization. The team will send you the quotation for your approval.

After a contract/agreement is signed, the technical team selects and approves the Auditor/Technical Expert who will review the details prior to the audit to provide the best services possible.

Compliance Audit

The auditors evaluate the conformity of the product/service that is being audited against the applicable standard.

Nonconformance and Closure

Any deviations in the effectiveness of implementation methods used for acceptance of product/services which is audited against the product/process applicable standards are defined as nonconformities. Any nonconformity is given a time period of 60 days to be resolved. Nonconformities will be resolved subject to the closure of evidence and test results.

Release of Certificate

After the evaluation of nonconformity closure, IAS will issue the certificate. Upon receipt of the certificate, the client can use the logo on the product as per logo rules.