SA 8000 Certification

Child Labour

Any work performed by a child (less than 15 years or any min age prescribed by local law) except as provided for by ILO recommendation 146.

Forced or compulsory Labour

  • A.Forced or compulsory Labour: All work or service that a person has not offered to do voluntarily and is made to do under the threat of punishment or retaliation or that is demanded as a means of repayment of debt
  • B.Human trafficking:   The recruitment, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the use of threat, force, deception or other forms of coercion, for the purpose of exploitation

Health and Safety

Risk Assessment:  A process to identify the health, safety and labour policies and practices of the organisation and to prioritise associated risks

Freedom of Association and right to collective bargaining

  • A.Worker organisation: An autonomous voluntary association of workers organised for the purpose of furthering and defending the rights and interests of workers
  • B.Collective bargaining agreement: A contract specifying the terms and conditions for work, negotiated between the organisation (e.g. employer) or group of employers and one or more worker organisation(s).
  • C.SA8000 worker representative(s): One or more worker representative(s) freely elected by workers to facilitate communication with the management representative(s)


Organisation should establish effective non-discriminatory practices in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination and retirement.

For detail discussion over phone or in-person, kindly contact our executives through Mail: or Mobile:+91 9962590571